Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

praying to a dead moon

 Night shade queen for Sydney Horn - Lafayette, Louisiana
 Angie - Oakland, CA
Logan's easy rider - Oakland, CA

born free to die

 ^ Rob Shit ^
Alyssa's witch mama ^
Jokima ^

Copernicus' window on Erika

Mathews demon dancer ^

RIP AFREAKA - Rocky Banks

darkness dreams of New Orleans

^^^ Marissa's bootstrap dagger ^^^

^^^Alex Hood^^^
Kati's Swamp Wizard

moondog howl to the midnight sun

Cosmic tear drop, bb fly and scorpion guy by I&I on Heather Benjamin - Providence, RI

 Luke - Oakland, CA

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

november 2013

   sashas throat /// andy sodas neck coverup /// shannons scarab 

california milkweed

been in Oakland for a week drawing on friends.. headed to the dusty dunes of the southwest wind to build a nest 'til summer.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

ATTN: all soul suckling cybervampires

Why do I have $3 in my pocket and feel as if I have absolutely zero support for my artwork when invisible  night specters TEAR MY IMAGES OFF THE INTERNET AND SELL MY LABOR INTENSIVE DRAWINGS to unassuming t-shirt labels and bands. Thank you for raping all that is just and pure in this burning world. You are the sole reason I do not have art shows, make zines, or update this festering venomous pit of metaverse psychosis.. Rot slowly, lonely friend, for you know who you are.
For band, skateboard, t-shirt art or if you'd like your truck airbrushed or your skin tattooed by a real life flesh sack with spirit in skull you can email me at A soulful thanks to those few breathing creatures who support the hunch backed cave dwellers with sweaty palms gripping rusted stolen pens and three day old coffee…